Fanny Hill Got Old Read online



  Sally Hollister

  (Follow Sally on Twitter by clicking HERE)

  Published by Eroticafe – the home of quality written erotica.

  © 2017 Sally Hollister

  The author asserts the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. All characters and situations are fictitious.

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  It was generally accepted that once a woman reached her 40th year her career as a strumpet was over, for who would want such a withered old hag. Not when there were so many juicy young country virgins still flocking to the city in a bid to earn a living, though not an honest one.

  A woman at that age would then try to forget her sordid past and seek a husband to spend her remaining years with. Most would claim to be widows to explain their lost virtue and many a wealthy widower had been taken in by such a tale. I was no different from my contemporaries and having taken an apartment well away from my previous employment, having saved some monies, I set my cap upon Captain Richard Hawke, retired from the Kentish Rifles and a sweetheart of a man. He had been dashing once, but now, in his 50th year and after falling from his horse, he walked with a limp, though he still carried a roguish grin on his well-lined face which made him endearing.

  I had learned much in my years as a whore and soon caught the bold Captain's eye as I strolled through the park. Before long he was courting me most ardently, sending me gifts and inviting me to take tea with him. I acted as coquettishly as I could and rejected his advances at first, though always allowing him the notion that I was not totally unapproachable. Luckily he was not put off by my renunciation but continued to press his suit so that, eventually, I accepted his invitation to take afternoon tea with him. I well knew that I must play this slowly if I was to land this fish and must be consistent in the tale I must spin to entrap him. I, therefore, spent a great deal of time in concocting a fiction of how my husband had been lost at sea and left me a widow.

  On the appointed day I donned my finest dress and fixed my hair so that I might look my best. This was a very different look to the one I adopted when acting the trollop. Now I must seem like a decent woman, one who'd lost a husband and sought only the solace and company of a man. Yet I must seem attractive enough for the Captain to wish to take me as his wife. It would require a delicate touch.

  The Captain had promised me a coach to take me to his home and it arrived at my door precisely on time, though the coachman came as a surprise as he was great hulking, liveried, blackamoor. He bowed most graciously as he ushered me into the coach, my tiny white hand in his huge ebony one. This beast was yet another matter which recommended marriage to the Captain to me, for if the negro was in the employ of my new husband there might well be the chance of a dalliance with him. I'd heard much of the endowment of these African men and their great stamina and was eager to experience it. It was a libidinous thought and unworthy of a woman looking for a husband, so I swiftly cast it from my mind.

  The Captain greeted me courteously to his grand manor with a kiss upon my hand and ushered me through to his drawing room, where tea was served by his maid, a thin blonde girl called Molly. She laid out a great display of the most gorgeous confections as the Captain showered me with compliments. He praised my looks, my dress and even my deportment, till my head was quite spinning.

  "Why, Captain," I simpered, "One would think you were making advances upon me."

  "You must call me Richard, Miss Fanny and, as you are a most attractive woman, you must be well-used to men attempting to court you."

  "And what are your intentions, sir?"

  "I would hope that we might become friends, perhaps good friends, and then, who knows."

  "You would wish to walk out with me then?"

  "Yes, yes, I would have you as my lady."

  "I can permit no improprieties," I said sternly.

  "Of course, of course, Miss Fanny, but we are not children, having both been wed before. I am sure we can come to some sort of amicable arrangement and I shall, of course, behave like a gentleman."

  And so Captain Hawke became my beau and escorted me to grand restaurants and to the theatre many times. I permitted him only some kissing and a little fondling of my bosoms through my clothes, though the ache in my cunny to be filled by a man was strong. However, I knew I must be resolute and not reveal my true nature, at least not till he had slipped that vital band upon my finger.

  Sure enough, as his lust for me grew, he began to hint at marriage though I demurred and asked why such a man might want a poor old women like myself.

  "Why, you are in your prime, Fanny."

  "I am used goods, Richard, you know that well. Though I never bore any babes with my husband, he acted as a husband to me within the bedchamber."

  "I wish for nothing else, for I've no time for giggling maidens. A mature woman such as you is what I desire."

  "You must give me time to think upon it."

  "Naturally, it is a big step."

  "I would not wish for an ostentatious wedding. Something modest only."

  "Whatever you desire."

  "If we are formally engaged, then you may undo my bodice and suck upon my titties," I whispered with downcast eyes.

  "Oh, Fanny!" he cried leaping upon me and showering my face with kisses.

  He exposed my orbs and attached his lips and teeth upon one stiff nipple while he grasped its neighbour with his fingers and twisted upon it.

  He was skilled at this form of love-play and soon had me panting with pleasure, but when he attempted to slip a hand beneath my skirts I rebuffed him.

  "We must wed, and soon," he gasped, and the bulge in his breeches displayed his excitement.

  "In a month, my love, we must show a little decorum and there are arrangements to be made."

  The month passed quickly with that last week being taken up in moving my goods and chattels to the Captain's home. I took great care in discarding any evidence of my previous life for I'd no wish to be discovered as a woman who'd once been a wanton.

  And so the day came and we were wed with no family or friends in attendance, but only Molly and the blackamoor, whose name I had discovered was Julius and who also acted as the Captain's man-servant as well as his coachman, taking the role of witnesses.

  We had a wedding breakfast in a local tavern and Richard permitted the servants to join us, though my husband paid them no regard and kept one hand upon my thigh and his lips upon my neck.

  "Did you ever take your husband's member within your mouth and suck upon it, Fanny?" he whispered to me.

  "Why, sir, what a question."

  "I wished for it greatly, but my Mary-Anne would never perform it. She was far too demure to do such a thing, too much the lady."

  "You shall not be disappointed in me, sir, I can assure you of that."

  "Oh, you have made me the happiest man in the world, my love."

  "Soon, soon," I promised.

  He took my hand and placed it upon his breeches.

  "Can you feel how eager I am for you, my beauty?"

  "We shall to bed as soon as is decently possible, but must make a show of restraint before the servants."

  "Yes, you're right, but you might permit me a few liberties if we are in private."

  "Certainly, you are now my husband and have certain righ


  The drive back to my new house was brief and soon we were within the walls, a fire lit and wine poured so that we might toast our marriage. The moment the servants left the room Richard wished to kiss me and I permitted him to fondle my bottom, though through my wedding gown.

  "You have a firm behind, Fanny, and I shall enjoy it greatly."

  "As I intend to enjoy that bulge which is presently pressing into my belly."

  "Ah, my old chap hasn't seen action for a while and is eager to rediscover the joys of a lady's bower."

  "You shall not find me wanting in that respect, my dearest. My late husband, Barnaby, was a most passionate man and I learned much from him."

  "Just the kind of wife a man wants."

  "Have Molly light a fire in the bedchamber then. It will be chilly in there."

  "I'll soon warm you up, my sweet."

  "Of that I've no doubt, but I'd rather retire in some comfort."

  The hours now dragged by, though I kept Richard occupied by rubbing his bulge and allowing his hands to travel beneath my skirts.

  "You shall have me off before I've even mounted you, with all this rubbing, Fanny," he complained.

  "It is of no consequence, I am perfectly prepared to suck your manhood to life again."

  "Oh, I say!"

  "I have a perverse desire of my own which I would wish you to fulfil," I told him.

  "What is that, my love?"

  "To sit upon your face."

  "Oh, I should love that. I often asked it of Mary-Anne, but the thought of it disgusted her."

  "I find it most pleasurable."

  "Then I shall do it with pleasure."

  At last came the time for us to retire to bed and I made a pretence of being modest and donned a night-gown. It was soon up at my neck and serving no purpose in protecting my virtue as Richard chewed upon my nipples and his fingers delved between my abundant lower curls as I held his stiff member in my hand.

  "Go slowly, my love," I urged, "We have all night and then many more before us."

  "I shall have patience later, but for now I must be on you and in you."

  "Have at me then, you lustful beast, for I have missed it as much as you."

  That first passage of love was hardly memorable for it was over almost before it had begun. Richard inserted his member into me, gave a sigh of satisfaction and then with a few strokes, was done.

  "I'm sorry, Fanny, truly sorry, but the excitement of your body was too much for me."

  "It is of no matter, my love, sleep now and I'll wake you later with a surprise."

  "You are most understanding," he replied and was soon snoring softly.

  The coupling, though brief, had been enough to arouse me, so I took the opportunity to rub my cunny and reach a much-needed climax. I was not as tired as my husband and only closed my eyes for a while till I felt Richard stirring next to me. Then I wriggled down the bed, under the covers, and took his limp member into my mouth. I sucked on it gently and when he realised what I was about he almost jumped out of bed with shock.

  "Oh, Fanny, you treasure!"

  "I take it you like that, my darling?"

  "It is quite delightful, and vigour flows through my veins again."

  "It is as I hoped. We shall spend the night in coition if you think you have the energy for it."

  "I never knew such a woman," he said, though it was said not in rebuke but admiration.

  "I am a modern woman, Richard, and not ashamed of my needs."

  "And I am the better for it. But come, my tool is at it its full extension. Would you care to sit on my face now?"

  "It can be done while I continue to suck upon you, if you but permit me to climb astride you."

  "Please do. I have never seen a woman's cunny so close, it is a thing of remarkable beauty."

  "Lick upon it, Richard, lick it and suck my button. Your effusions are still seeping from me, so I hope you have no qualms about tasting them?"

  "If they were another man's I might demur, but what have I to fear from my own juices."

  "Some men might think it unmanly, no matter the source."

  "I shall expect you to suck it from me some day, so I can hardly refuse to take what I expect my wife to."

  "It is well said. Now, enough conversation and let us put our mouths to better use."

  We then dined upon each other for quite fifteen minutes and I only desisted because I feared that Richard might erupt in my mouth and I had a need to be filled again.

  "Come now, husband, and take me like a man," I said, climbing off him and climbing onto my hands and knees.

  "In the manner of a dog?"

  "Indeed, it is most pleasurable."

  "Yet another act that Mary-Anne forbade and which I desired greatly."

  "Mount me then, my stallion."

  Richard's member was not of the largest, for I'd had many that were bigger, but it was more than adequate for my needs. He inserted it in my cunny, grabbed my hips and began to thrust into me.

  "Ah, yes, my love, how I've longed for that. To be taken like a beast, it is most thrilling."

  But that too, did not last for long for Richard's weakened knee could not bear his weight for long. He cursed his infirmity but I soothed him and told him it was just as pleasurable if I were to lie prone and he lay on top of me.

  "What capital sport!" he declared as he stretched himself out above my raised rump, "That elegant bottom of yours makes for a perfect target."

  "You shall have the use of it often for this is one of my favourite positions."

  "You really are a wonder, Fanny, most women would scarce talk of such things as favourite positions."

  "It is as I have said, Richard, the age of coyness in women is passing."

  He lasted much longer upon me than he had the first time and I managed to have two climaxes, the first I'd experienced with a man within me for many years. I yelped loudly as the sensations washed over me and my sobs of pleasure made him stop his thrusting and enquire about my discomfort, but I told him it was pleasure and not pain and he should continue with his efforts.

  He had hardly resumed his business when there was a gentle tap on the door and Molly's voice said, "Is everything all right, I thought I heard a scream?"

  "It is our wedding night," I replied, "And you shall hear many screams, Molly, think nothing of them."

  "Oh yes, of course. Sorry," she giggled.

  "Enough of this position, Richard, for I note that you still find it taxing. Lay upon your back and I shall ride upon your tool."

  "It is too late to move, fanny, for I shall ejaculate any moment now in your bewitching cunny."

  "Then do so, and I shall ride you later."

  "Yet another act that Mary-Anne would not perform. It was I on top of her and her on her back at all times. And even then she would only lie there and not utter a sound."

  "It is society which makes such women behave so. They are taught that it is a sin to take pleasure from the act of love when the opposite is surely true."

  "Well said, Fanny," my husband cried as he shot his seed into me for the second time.

  Once more we slept and deeper now for the first rays of dawn were peeping through the drapes by the time we woke. I immediately took Richard's shaft in my hand and tugged it till it stood firm, and then climbed atop it, where it slid easily into my cunny, still drenched with Richard's effusions. And then I rode him, oh how I rode him, my hair flying, my head swaying and my thighs clamped around him, and no experienced horsewoman could have done better. There was a look of rapture on Richard's face as he enjoyed being ridden by his wife for the first time. When he attempted to thrust up at me I told him to stop. This was woman's work and I alone would be responsible for bringing him to his climax. I myself had three more and each time let out a loud whoop, almost hoping that Molly would hear it. We'd obviously shocked her for she'd only come into Richard's employ recently and had never served while his wife lived. Even then, if Mary
-Anne had been silent in congress, my exclamations would have come as a surprise to her.

  "But then, at last, Richard could take no more and his thick semen spurted into my bower. I climbed off him and licked his shaft clean and he said, "I do believe I have made a wise choice in taking you as my wife."

  I knew long before I married that I could never be faithful to one man as I had an almost permanent itch between my legs. Yet I knew that taking a lover would end my marriage, so I must be extremely discreet. It helped that Richard worked in his office in town, a manufacturing business he'd started when he retired from the army, and so I was left on my own much of the time. The first man I wanted as a lover was Julius, the negro, for I loved the smell of him, but he was not the next one who ended up in my bed. It happened like this. I was in the habit of taking a bath each morning in a tin tub which young Molly filled with hot water from the kitchen. She would then assist me to disrobe and help in washing my back. She'd told me how fabulous she thought my body was the first time she saw me naked and as we engaged in conversation we soon became firm friends. She was unmarried and had no beau, telling me she was too plain to attract the attention of men who desired their girls with large breasts and bouncy bottoms. Poor Molly, with her stick-like frame, was likely to end up on the shelf if she couldn't find a man whose tastes lay in Molly's thin body.

  "Have you never been with a man then?" I asked her.

  "Why, no, ma'am. I wouldn't go with no man less I was married to him."

  "And what do you do for pleasure then?"

  "I touches myself," she said shyly, "Though I knows it's wrong."

  "It's not so wrong," I soothed, "And I'd say that most women do it."

  "Not the married ones surely, they'd have no need of it."

  "It would depend on how hot their blood is. I, for instance, touch myself constantly."

  "You? After making all that noise with the Captain."

  "The more pleasure you get, the more you want, Molly. I might even touch myself as I lie in my bath today."

  "In front of me?" she giggled.

  "Why not, You're a woman and I'm a woman."

  I climbed into the tub and lay back in the warm water before rubbing one of my breasts and sliding my hand down my belly to my cunny.